Steam Tug
The steam tug Wattle is historically, socially and technologically significant at the national level as the only small harbour steam tug still surviving in Victoria
"The steam tug Wattle is historically, socially and technologically significant at the national level as the only small harbour steam tug still surviving in Victoria."
- ST Wattle Wheelhouse Low
- ST Wattle Gangway
- ST Wattle Wharf forward
- ST Wattle Forecastle
- ST Wattle Forecastle Forward
- ST Wattle WheelHouse High
- ST Wattle Wharf from Aft
- ST Wattle Midships
- ST Wattle Aft
- ST Wattle Midships Port
- ST Wattle Port MA
- ST Wattle Engine Room 1
- ST Wattle Boiler
- STW Engine Room 2
- ST Wattle Mess