The International Maritime Organization is a specialised agency of the United Nations responsible for regulating shipping worldwide. The IMO was established following an agreement at a UN conference held in Geneva in 1948 and the IMO came into existence ten years later, meeting for the first time in 1959.
The Australian Volunteer Coast Guard Association Inc. is a voluntary civilian organisation of men and women formed to provide safety on our waterways, train boat users in all aspects of safe small boat handling, and contribute effectively to search and rescue operations. The Coast Guard is a registered charity and a volunteer non-profit organisation. All members are dedicated professional volunteers who freely give up their spare time to provide this service.
Maritime Accident Investigation
Marine Accident Investigation is the process of thoroughly and systematically examining and investigating marine accidents relating to ships or other marine crafts, in order to determine the causes of the accident and suggest recommendations to avoid accidents in the future.
International conventions and the United Nations Convention of the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) give responsibilities to Australia (and other flag states) to check and control ships in our waters so that they do not pose threats to ship and crew safety or to the marine environment.