Seagoing Positions Education Seagoing positions <— Back Click the section you’d like to see more of! Bridge The bridge is the main control center of a vessel, from where the Captain and Deck Officers are able to navigate and monitor the entire operations of the ship. Engine Room Ships engineers are in charge of maintaining and repairing technical equipment such as ship engines, pumps, electrical wiring, communication systems and refrigeration equipment. Deck Integrated Ratings (deck crew) are responsible for assisting with cargo operations, conducting navigational watches, assisting in berthing the ship, and general servicing and maintenance. Catering A ship’s cook’s principal role is to ensure the preparation and serving of meals that are both delicious and nutritious.A ship’s steward is responsible for cleaning duties, such as stairways and passageways, laundry rooms, refrigerated spaces, storerooms, and linen lockers. join a truely committed group help us grow! Join Us Today