OSSA Committees Roles and Responsibilities

 Membership Committee

  • To increase and maintain Membership by engagement with all facets of the Maritime Industry to promote knowledge of the existence of OSSA and its’ role in preserving the history of specialist shipping in Australia.

Finance Committee

To oversee the financial accounts of OSSA ensuring accurate records of financial transaction are maintained in accordance with ACNC rules.

  • To produce financial reports as required by the board and ACNC.
  • Prepare and submit Annual Reports to ACNC as required.

Funding  and Grants Committee

  • Raise the profile of OSSA in the Corporate and Government environment to encourage financial support from these organisations as corporate and/or donors.
  • Identify applicable grants potentially available to OSSA.
  • Identify projects grant specific.
  • Investigate successful previous grant recipients for guidance on their application.
  • Identify organisations (e.g. Museums Australia Victoria) who may be able to assist with our applications.
  • Develop and submit successful grant applications.

Exhibitions Committee

  • Identify and research suitable locations for OSSA exhibitions.
  • Source, design and maintain suitable equipment for transporting exhibition material. (In consultation with Grants Committee).
  • Design templates for different ‘pop-up’ footprints.
  • Organise the transport and setup of ‘pop-up’ exhibitions.
  • Organise rosters for OSSA exhibition information representatives.

IT Committee

  • Maintain and continually improve existing OSSA website, MailChimp and Facebook sites.
  • Identify and develop new electronic social and information media opportunities e.g. Twitter, Linkedin, Wikipedia.
  • Maintain ‘OneDrive’ electronic data folder in ‘The Cloud’ (including hard copies of relevant documents in liaison with Company Secretary and Treasurer).
  • Design and produce publicity material as required following recommendations from committees and members.
  • Organise and maintain Microsoft Charity Package.


Collections Committee

  • Develop a collections policy to document types of memorabilia that are in accordance with our charitable purpose.
  • Update existing charitable purposes to reflect grant provision requirements in liaison with the board and other committees. (e.g. Maritime Museums of Australia Project support Scheme.).
  • Maintain records of the OSSA collection inventory (Excel) and progressively document and upload and maintain data to Collections Victoria online catalogue.

Newsletter Committee

  • Develop a standard format for a quarterly OSSA Newsletter (recommend using the MailChimp application in liaison with the IT Committee).
  • Encourage contributions fromOSSA Members and other interested parties for content that aligns with OSSA’s charitable purpose and to attract interest in maritime careers and industry events.
  • Information on OSSA’s previous quarters activities and a look ahead of future activities/events and canvas ideas for future activities and events.

School Promotions Committee

To promote knowledge of career opportunities in the Maritime Industry both at sea and ashore for the Australian school community.

Government and Corporate Liaison Committee

To maintain contact with Government and Industry bodies to promote OSSA and the Australian Maritime Industry. To provide advice on current and foreseeable maritime issues.

Outreach Committee

To provide comradeship and social support to Australian seafarers in their senior years.

Anchor Clankers Committee

To organise and promote the annual Anchor Clankers reunion and other social events such as sausage sizzles and ápres Anchor Clankers events etc.

Technical Committee

To drawn on the resources within OSSA to provide Technical advice to Government, Corporations and Industry.